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Herbal Remedies

The Completes, Natural Healing, and Nutrition Home Guide to Herb

The stars of this book are the plants, trees, and fl owers themselves. They
are endearing, beautiful, mysterious, fundamental, and primitive. The
delight and uses of their seeds, roots, bark, color, and form are
phenomenal and, set among the rest of the intricate web of nature, they
are truly miraculous. This book is not only about the plants, however, it is
also about a combination of natural healing methods, healthy lifestyle,
and the use of herbs as potent tools for natural healing. Were this simply
a book on herbal medicine, it would be dangerously easy to see plants as a
direct substitute for conventional drugs. But although it is often possible
gently and carefully to substitute one for the other, on the whole it is best
to use herbs as an integral part of life, combining them with a wealth of
other lifestyle choices and thus preventing and balancing disorders or

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